This updated Colorado Roadmap for Families section of our website is intended to give parents information about the newborn hearing screening process through identification of hearing levels with a pediatric audiologist and beginning early intervention. This updated Roadmap accompanied by a printable worksheet that hospitals can provide to families with a list of resources in their area.
The Roadmaps were created as a safety net for families to ensure that babies could receive timely screening and follow up care for hearing loss. Families we spoke to were not aware of the “screen by one month, diagnose by three months, and enter intervention before six months of age” guidelines set by the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) system. These 1:3:6 Guidelines are critical. The earlier a baby is identified as deaf or hard of hearing, the better off that child is in their development.
The Roadmap is our attempt at getting the right information to the right people at just the right time.
Each local community in Colorado has a team of people including parents of children with hearing loss and professionals, audiologists, nurses, and more who developed these Roadmaps.
Click on the interactive Roadmap to learn more about each area of “1:3:6” in EHDI!
We look forward to surrounding your family with support!
*Please note we are always updating regional resources and the interactive Roadmap. If you find outdated resources and terminology please send us an email at The Printable Roadmap was last updated on 4/25/2024.
[ Click to use the interactive Roadmap ]
[ Click to go directly to the most up to date printable Roadmaps & the live list of resources]
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