The CO Chapter has a long tradition of presenting the annual Family First Award to the parent or professional who goes above and beyond in their efforts to improve systems or services for families raising children who are Deaf /Hard of Hearing.
2024 Award: Dr. Debbie Mood, Pediatrics-Developmental Pediatrics
Dr. Debbie Mood was awarded the Family First Award for her unwavering dedication and advocacy for proper diagnosis, treatment and support for families who are raising children that have a duel diagnosis of being Deaf/Hard of Hearing and having developmental/behavioral complications.
Dr. Debbie Mood and family
2023 Award: Sara Kennedy, Parent and Advocate
Sara Kennedy’s devotion to our families in Colorado who are raining children that are Deaf/Hard of Hearing for more than a decade grabbed our attention. Her role as the Director for Colorado Hands & Voices gave her a platform to make numerous positive changes for our D/HH children.
Sara Kennedy and Shaun DeLisa
2022 Award: Kelly Doolittle, CHIP Coordinator
Kelly Doolittle has made such a positive impact for families all across Colorado, but particularly along the northern front range. Her ability to connect with families and meet them where they are in their personal journey made her the 2022 winner.
Kelly Doolittle
2021 Award: Teach, Inspire, Collaborate
Cathy Bowles, Teacher of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Cathy Bowles, TOD at McGraw Elementary School in Ft. Collins, CO was awarded the 2021 Family First Award for her dedication to students in a school based setting. Her tireless efforts have propelled our D/HH children to success!
Cathy Bowles and student
2020 Award: Megan Nix, Parent and Author
Thank you, Megan, for your passion and drive to see CMV become a household word, and working with CO H&V on the Congenital CMV Family Network and prevention efforts statewide.
Jami Fries and Megan Nix
Nominations for the Families First Award
Help us recognize the professionals and parents who pioneer on behalf of all our children. In every field, there are those who forge ahead with a tireless spirit to “make things happen” for our deaf and hard of hearing kids: they may be parents, professionals, or politicians, or policy-makers.
Send in your nomination letter to recognize those who go the extra mile, who challenge the status quo, and who immeasurably enrich the lives of our children. Details about their service and impact are most welcome! Nominations will be accepted annually until July 19 each year by emailing us at
Previous honorees of the Families First award include Nan Thompson (2019), Millie Hamner, Dominick Moreno, Larry Liston, and Bob Gardner (2018), Dianne Goberis* (2017), Janet DesGeorges, Leeanne Seaver, and Cheryl Johnson (COHV and HQ founders), Annette Landes, Susie Broderick, Vickie Thomson, Cliff Moers, Shana Bokelman, Representative Mark Larson, Rob Frantum-Allen, Allison Sedey, Barbara Jean Wood, Stephanie Olson, Dinah Beams, Allison Biever, Donna Ewing, BJ Brubaker-Blocker, Denise Davis-Pedrie, Ruth Mathers, Cathy Noble Hornsby, Brian W. Smith, Cheryl DeConde Johnson, and Christine Yoshinaga-Itano.
*Please join us in remembering Dianne who passed away on January 16, 2019. We thank her family for sharing her with us and remember her for her many contributions to excellence in early childhood education, deaf education as a whole, and her support of families. She somehow never missed one of her kids’ games, either! Dianne, from our board of directors, staff, volunteers and most importantly, from and on behalf of the families we serve, we thank you and are glad that you chose deaf education as your lifelong passion. We treasure your smarts, your generous sharing of resources and expertise, and your sense of humor.

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