First, take a deep breath.
If you found us here, you probably just learned something about your baby or child’s hearing.
Whether your child was just identified with a hearing loss, or you are just going through the testing, or you are a seasoned parent just looking for support & information to help your child thrive, welcome!
This is a place where we focus on what we can do as parents to help our kids succeed. We want that child of yours to change the world, our world. Colorado Hands & Voices (or H&V) is a nonprofit made up of parents just like you. We collaborate with Deaf and Hard-of-hearing adults and like-minded professionals who share our belief that “What works for your child is what makes the choice right,” which has been our motto for the last 25 years.
Here you will find practical and sometimes inspiring information to guide you in parenting your own child.
If you are a brand new parent, you may want to start with the Colorado Resource Guide. If you are going through the screening process, you might want to start with the interactive Parent Roadmap and especially the Loss & Found video (which can now be found on Hands & Voices Virtual Waiting Room.
Are you ready to start your journey off to a great start? Check out Hands & Voices’ new resource, Off to a Great Start. Check out this interactive resource with supports geared towards birth to age three.
You can find us through this page, through phone calls and emails, our Facebook page and private discussion groups, Instagram, occasional Twitter posts, or the YouTube channel.
Go take a look in the mirror. You are the right parent for your child. You can do this and there’s a whole community here to help!
Standing with you,
Sara Kennedy, Parent, Past Executive Director
with the Colorado H&V Guide By Your Side staff, board members, and volunteers
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